Finally! I get to talk about my first ever video game. This is somewhat important because I am somewhat of a pokefan, but not so much of a pokefan that I go to tournaments and preorder the anime movies on DVD. Between the ages of four and ten everything having to do with Pokemon was my life. Now, I only play the video games. As a side note, my first ever game, Pokemon Blue, and my first game system, Game Boy Color, was stolen by one of friends. You know who you are, DYLAN, asshole.
In 1989, the company Game Freak was founded. One of the first games the company produced was Mendel Palace for the NES.
“What the fuck is going on?”
A notable game Game Freak produced is Yoshi which is a puzzle game like a combination between Tetris and Puzzle Bobble where the goal of the game is to get rid of lines of enemy blocks while Mario and Luigi move the columns.
"It must suck being Yoshi's Bitch."
Another notable game the company produced is Pulseman, a game only released for the Sega Genesis in Japan. The game is similar to Megaman X, but there's more free range of movement and the game is much more fast paced.
"He looks Alfalfa from Little Rascals."
In 1996, game programmer, Satoshi Tajiri, was inspired by to create a game from his favorite hobby as a kid, insect collecting. Satoshi Tajiri noticed that kids weren't playing outside as much and stayed home. So, he created the battling and collecting Game Boy games known as Pokemon Red, Blue, and Green.
"What language is the menu in, German?"
The Japanese initially released Pokemon Red and Green on the same day in 1996 and Pokemon Blue was released six months later as a more improved version of the two games. As Game Freak translated the games for the western localization, they realized it was impossible to just replace the Japanese text with English because of the fragile state of the source code. In order to translate the game, it had to be built from the ground up. Also, Nintendo thought that "cute monsters" wouldn't appeal to an American audience, so they suggested the game programmers "beef up" the sprites thinking it would make the game more appealing. In addition to the American release of the Pokemon games, they decided to release only Pokemon Red and Blue in the US and leave out Pokemon Green.
"We get Game Boy and they get SUPER Game Boy! NO FAIR!"
In attempts to sell the game, Nintendo spent over 50 MILLION (that's million with an m) dollars just to promote the games. Despite all setbacks in development, the game were received extremely well in the US. In 2009, The Guiness Book of World Records stated that Pokemon Red and Blue is the best selling RPG for the Game Boy and the best selling RPG of all time. (HOLY SHIT! I didn't know it was that good.) To follow up Pokemon Red and Blue, the game, Pokemon Yellow, was released. The game has your starter Pokemon, pikachu, follow your character making the game like the anime. Also like the anime, the game features anime characters, Jesse, James, and Meowth.
"The rest of the text says, if you know what I mean."
The sequals to Pokemon Red and Blue were Pokemon Gold and Silver for the Game Boy Color. The games are basically the same game as their predecessors, but have more pokemon, better graphics, and different characters.
"Watch out! It's Clefairyzilla!"
The maps of Pokemon Gold and Silver are built upon the original maps of Pokemon Red and Blue with many differences. The trainers are different and there are different Pokemon in different areas.
"There really isn't anything I can make fun of here."
I can ramble on and on about all the different Pokemon sequels and remakes that have been made like Pokemon Sapphire. If you want me to get technical, I talk about the remakes, pinball games, puzzle games, home console games, trading card video games, and the Super Smash Bros. series, but that's way too much, so I'll only talk about the remakes. Pokemon Red and Green got remakes for the Game Boy Advanced in America called Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green. They follow the same story line as the original games, but with added features such as the sevii islands.
"Those island are as small as your dick."
Pokemon Gold and Silver got remakes for the Nintendo DS in 2010 called Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Just like the other remakes, they follow the same storyline as the original, but have added features such as the Pokethlon.
"In Japan, the captions aren't edited in, they actually occur in real life there."
The Pokemon series is still going strong today. The recent announcement of Pokemon Black and White, it has Pokefans like me excited and ready to go on the new journey.
I'm pretty disappointed that they didn't talk about this at E3."
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